Ok. If you want a great cardio workout, go shopping with my fiance. After the first hour, I'm ready to go, and she's not even warmed up. We can't shop together, because we always end up fighting. It puts me in an awful mood.
I do alot of my shopping online. It's especially great during Christmas, because you don't have to worry about beating the crowd; however, I always try to find good bargains or use coupons. Actually, I've found a great site where I can get coupons to many of my favorite stores. I guess my favorite store, online and "offline", is
Target; however, before I shop online, I always visit and find a coupon for my preferred online store. Then all I have to do is choose my item(s), check out, and, when it ask if I have any coupons, enter the promo codes.
Ever wonder how to become rich, or how the rich stay rich. Well, one of the ways is they save money wherever and however they can. Using coupons is a great way to do that. offers 1000s of coupons to many different stores. The next time you shop online, remember, check out before buying.
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