
Friday, February 16, 2007


DIET! One of the most dreaded words in the English means giving up all those delectable desserts, it means working out, it means the end to happiness as we know it, well, maybe I over-exaggerate the traumatizing effects of dieting, but that's what it feels like when you're on a diet. So, why is it that dieting is so hard? Like any substance that enters the body your body becomes accustom to certain levels of sugars, proteins, calories, and so when you go on the diet, your body isn't getting what its used to and it complains to you, by making you feel hungry, nauseous, sleepiness, and many other symptoms. So in many ways food is an addiction, our body gets addicted to certain things, and when we take those certain things away our body sends you a messages. That's usually why the first few days of a diet is always the most difficult, because that's when the cravings are the worst.

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