
Monday, January 8, 2007


Welcome. I'd like to start by saying that I'm not a health freak, but I do like to stay as healthy as I can. This blog will not tell you the best way to lose weight or stay healthy; it will explain my way of maintaining my weight and staying healthy. Different people use different methods. As most of you know, there are hundreds of weight loss deits, pill and programs on the web, many unsuccessful, but some are successful. I will give you my ways, but I've also listed some sites that I truly believe everyone could learn from.

I try to stay healthy without all the supplements and pills. Natural is better in my opinion. That's definitely not criticizing other methods. I visit the gem at least 3 times a week. I do weight training along with cardio. In my opinion, one is just as important as the other. Maybe once a week I'll work out heave; however, the other 3 or 4 times, I'll do light weight with as many reps as I can stand.

Watching what I eat is just as important to me as exercising. I limit my starches. Potatoes, junk snacks, rice, fried foods, cereals, and others are, I know, hard to resist; sometimes, I must admit, I fall to the temptation, but I do drastically limit the amount. Please keep in mind that this is my way. Many of you may think that I'm stupid; however I challenge you to set a goal, and use whatever program works for you.

I've quickly, as I hate writing and reading, told you my experience with weight and health. It's not for me to decide with method is best for you. If one way doesn't work for you, don't give up. Just find one that does work. Good luck.

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